How to Organize Your Kitchen Like a Pro

A well-organized kitchen enhances efficiency and elevates your cooking experience. Whether you’re a culinary enthusiast or just aiming for a clutter-free space, here are expert tips to help you organize your kitchen like a pro:


Declutter First:

Before organizing, declutter. Remove items you no longer need or use to create more space for essentials.

Space Matters

Zone Your Kitchen:

Divide your kitchen into zones based on function. Create areas for prep, cooking, baking, and storage.

Heather Bullard

Use Vertical Space:

Install shelves, hooks, or racks on walls to store items like pots, pans, and utensils, saving valuable counter space.

Kelsey Nixon

Group Similar Items:

Keep like items together. Group spices, baking supplies, and utensils in designated drawers or containers.

My Domaine

Maximize Cabinet Space:

Utilize adjustable shelves and cabinet organizers to maximize storage. Use risers for plates and stacking bins for pantry items.

My Domaine

Clear Countertops:

Store appliances not in frequent use to free up counter space. Keep only daily essentials for a tidy look.

Martha Stewart

Invest in Clear Containers:

Use clear containers for pantry items. This makes it easy to see what you have and keeps ingredients fresh.

Good Housekeeping

Drawer Dividers:

Organize utensil drawers with dividers. This prevents clutter and keeps items easily accessible.

Little Label Co

Label Everything:

Labels reduce confusion and maintain organization. Use labels for spice jars, storage containers, and pantry shelves.

Neat Method

Group by Frequency:

Store items based on frequency of use. Keep everyday items at eye level and less-used items higher or lower.

Better Homes & Gardens

Pot and Lid Storage:

Store pots with their lids to save space. Use lid organizers for easy access.

The Spruce

Under-Sink Solutions:

Use pull-out drawers or bins under the sink to store cleaning supplies efficiently.


Knife and Cutting Board Organization:

Use magnetic strips or knife blocks to keep knives organized and cutting boards easily accessible.

The Spruce

Categorize Tupperware:

Organize plastic containers by size and stack them with matching lids nearby.

Real Simple

Fridge and Freezer Strategy:

Group similar items together in the fridge and freezer, and label them with expiration dates.

Latham Stairs & Cabinets

Regular Maintenance:

Organize as you go. Regularly clean and declutter to maintain a streamlined kitchen.

Organizing your kitchen like a pro is a rewarding endeavor. A well-organized kitchen not only enhances functionality but also adds to the aesthetic appeal of your home. Implement these tips and enjoy a clutter-free, efficient, and enjoyable cooking space.


I'm an experienced Brazilian interior designer with a background in architecture, currently based in Canada and passionate about creating beautiful and functional spaces that inspire and delight. On my blog, I share valuable tips and ideas on organizing your home and transforming it into a cozy and inviting space.

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