Work With Me


As an interior designer, I can offer a variety of services to help clients create the perfect living or working space.

Here are some of the main services that I can offer:

  • Space planning;
  • Furniture selection and arrangement;
  • Art and decor selection;
  • Temporary wall treatments;
  • Lighting design;
  • Storage solutions;

My goal as an interior designer is to help clients create a space that is both beautiful and functional, while also reflecting their unique personality and style.



3D presentation is a powerful tool that can help clients visualize their space and make informed decisions about design choices. Here are some services related to 3D presentation that I can offer:

  • 3D Modeling
  • 3D Rendering
  • Virtual Reality
  • Interactive Walkthroughs
  • Design Modification
  • Collaboration
  • Marketing Material

Overall, 3D presentations are a powerful tool that can help clients make informed decisions about their space and ensure that the final design meets their expectations. I can provide clients with a comprehensive and realistic view of their design options.
